It’s now winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and when winter rains come to Cape Town, informal shack homes end up with several feet of water standing in and around them. One local Baptist church responded to this type of disaster in a nearby slum. At least half the residents were Muslims, and they could not believe that the Christians were out among them, putting tarps over their leaky roofs, pumping water out of their bedrooms, donating sand to raise their floor levels, and providing meals. When Muslim groups came to assist, they didn’t bring enough for all the residents, and they only stayed long enough to hand out food in exchange for filming the local children making dictated, pro-Islamic religious-political statements. The church group impressed the shack-town’s Muslim leadership so much that one of the leaders actually attended church the following Sunday in gratitude! Pray for this community who call themselves “The Hole” because they live in such terrible conditions. Pray that as the church continues to follow up with more help and Bible studies, the people will find the Way to climb out of the hole of sin they are in into the light of Christ!