Muslims of Three States in South India

Tutoring centers are a welcoming way to enter into a Muslim community by offering tutoring to children of Muslim families who might not be able to afford educational support otherwise. There are currently several tutoring centers, and for each one, there is a believing couple managing the center. Weekly, they receive practical help on how to run the center properly, spiritual guidance by looking at the Word together and sharing prayer needs, and ministry guidance on how to build relationships with the Muslim families and share the good news in hopes that they will come to faith! At two of the centers, the managers have been welcomed into Muslims homes, and the families are eager to listen to and hear more about the stories of Jesus. The center managers have a lot of responsibility both logistically, in setting up the center and managing the workings of it, and relationally, in being the light of Christ to the Muslim families. Please pray for the center managers who are seeking to uphold these responsibilities, asking that they’ll have boldness to share. Intercede for the teachers who provide educational support, and pray for the salvation of the Muslim families whom these centers impact.