There are a small number of Nomadic People of the Horn who have left Islam and put their faith in Jesus. Their lives are difficult. If they make it known that they are believers, then they could lose their jobs and families. They could be sent to another country. They could be put in jail or even killed. Therefore, many of them have not told their families or friends about their faith. Christmas can be a challenging time for them. They desire to celebrate the birth of their Savior, yet they’re afraid of what will happen if they do. Pray that even now, God will prepare the hearts of family members and friends. Pray that this month, these believers will be bold and share the good news of Christmas. Ask that this will lead to the fruit of new believers. Pray for protection and endurance. Many Muslim-background believers live in isolated places where they don’t even know of other believers. Pray for them. Pray for a community of faith to grow around them so they will have others who can share in celebrating the birth of Christ.