North Africa/Middle East Refugees in the Diaspora

In May, you were asked to pray for Elif, a single refugee mother and her elementary school-age son. Several months after starting medication for a new medical diagnosis, Elif’s son had been doing extremely well, enjoying going to school and playing soccer on his neighborhood team. Recently, an emergency sent him to the hospital for a week, during which time he had two more significant medical incidents. Elif has tried to appear calm around him even though she just received unexpected news that she will require surgery soon. She’s unsure how reliable her son’s new medication is and wants to be careful about sharing her health situation with him to prevent him from becoming distressed and returning to the hospital again. Her believing friends have been an encouragement to her this year, and she has felt peace and comfort from the prayers they pray for her and her son. However, she feels so lost when thinking of the future. Ask the Lord to give wisdom to the doctors who are treating both Elif and her son. Pray that Elif will know that God sees her sorrow and confusion and will realize how much He cares for her and her son.