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North Africans in City of Broken Colors, Europe

Searching for a better life and eager for economic opportunities, many North African men move to the City of Broken Colors with high hopes. However, they often discover that life there is more difficult than what they’d expected. Without documentation, steady work and housing are challenging to find. They often end up working multiple jobs and sharing an apartment with other men in the same situation. The local North African community helps them with access to jobs and housing, providing connection and a level of support, but it also creates a challenge to those who want to learn more about Jesus. Men who decide to follow Christ have to “count the cost” early, knowing that this decision will likely cut them off from the only support system they have in their home country and their new country. Pray for North African men in the city to see the “surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:8 ESV). Ask God to reveal Himself clearly to those who are seeking a better life, and pray that they’ll see that the life they’re searching for can be found only in Christ. Pray that they will have the courage to trust Him, no matter the cost.