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North Africans in Mosaic City, France

As Ahmed was scrolling through his social media online, he came across a post offering a free New Testament. He decided to click on the post and ask to receive one. He received that free gift and was able to connect with a believer. He has been able not only to read the New Testament, but also to meet the believer in person to discuss more about what he is reading. There are so many people who are seeking to know God and wanting to understand the truth. Praise God for Ahmed and his desire to read the Bible! Pray that God will help Ahmed understand the truth and believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord. Ask God to give wisdom and to speak through the believer with whom Ahmed is meeting. Pray that others who are seeking God and His truth will divinely find it, possibly through unlikely sources like social media, online chats and videos, gaming, etc. Ask God to use all of these outlets for His kingdom and glory.