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North Africans/Middle Easterners, Northern France

A believer met Aziz, a young man from North Africa. Aziz had become a believer after witnessing his mother’s faith. He clearly understood the gospel when talking with the believer and had a strong conviction, affirming that his faith and salvation is through Jesus. He is living in a community filled with people holding a range of beliefs, everything from secular, nonpracticing Muslims to strict adherents of Islam. The environment had left him feeling isolated and irritated as he wrestled with the influence of those around him. There was a discussion he had with another man who shared a mix of philosophical and conspiracy theories along with openly using drugs. Later, the believer and Aziz were able to discuss this man’s worldview and the impact it could have for future generations. The believer shared with Aziz about his purpose in that community, telling him that God had placed Aziz there to be a light among those with beliefs different from his own, and that his impact could change the lives of many generations. A smile spread across Aziz’s face as he realized this new mission: to represent and share the hope of Christ with those around him. Please pray for this brother, Aziz.