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Peoples of Northern Maluku Islands, Indonesia

(mah-LOO-koo) – Thank you for joining Ruth and her husband in praying that the woman who poisoned Ruth last year would reinitiate contact with her so that Ruth could share the gospel with her. The woman, Mrs. Fran, contacted them for prayer during a recent illness. They went to her island to visit. Mrs. Fran admitted she wanted to kill Ruth, Ruth’s husband, and Ruth’s child because she hates Christians. But Mrs. Fran saw God do a miracle in healing Ruth. Ruth and her husband spent two days on her island sharing the gospel with Mrs. Fran, her husband, and daughter. They have not yet come to faith, but the daughter is very open. Now, Mrs. Fran’s daughter has asked Ruth to come again. Mrs. Fran’s family believe she is near death. Ruth and her family are on their way. Please pray for her and her husband. This is an emotional situation for them because they have been praying for Mrs. Fran since the poisoning. Pray that God, in His great mercy, will save this family for His glory.