Meet Naif. He had been open to Jesus for a while and finally made the decision to go all in with following Him. Recently, Naif said that he wanted to be baptized. He found a secluded spot where he could be baptized by another local brother. After the baptism, the believers who were present laid hands on him in prayer. As Naif was driving back home in the car that night with other believers, he asked them how believers pray. They shared from the Scriptures the Lord’s prayer and how it’s like having a conversation with a friend. Naif immediately responded, “Let’s pray right now; I wanna try!” What proceeded from his mouth was a beautiful, heartfelt expression of thanksgiving and adoration to the Lord. It’s a beautiful thing to be a part of such tender, sincere moments in the life of a new believer! Pray for continued endurance and strength for new believers like Naif.