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Pregnancy Center Project, Chiang Mai, Thailand

(chee-ang MY) – Recently, one of the Northern Thailand Pregnancy Center Care Teams visited with two clients, Violet who is the mother of baby Daphne and Olive who is the mother of baby Marigold. The Care Team member shared the following testimony: “I would like to thank God for Violet and Olive. When Violet was pregnant, she said nobody wanted her baby, and she wanted to have an abortion. But now everyone wants to help with Marigold. Olive, who had her baby when she was 14, takes care of Daphne every day. I feel that she loves Daphne more than before. We talked about nursery, and she is concerned the nursery might not take care of Daphne well, so she decided not to go to work but instead take care of Daphne. I feel this is a testimony that God has blessed them because at first, they didn’t want to have their babies but now they are happy to have them in her lives.” Praise God for the way He turns hearts toward home!