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Punjabis of Pakistan

(pun-JAH-bees) – Mariam is a Muslim woman. She’s not from a wealthy family, and to provide a better life for her, her father arranged a marriage for her when she was only 14 years old. After the marriage, she quickly found herself pregnant and in need of prenatal care. Her husband brought her to a hospital, and it was there that Mariam met a follower of Christ who shared the gospel with her. She didn’t put her faith in Christ in that moment, but Mariam did begin a friendship with that believer. They started meeting regularly and studying God’s Word together. Mariam has a lot of questions. She’s very open to the message of the gospel but is afraid to fully commit her life to Christ. She has expressed her fear that if she follows Jesus and leaves Islam, then her husband will abandon her and her family will not take her back. Please pray for Mariam and many others like her who truly have to count the cost of following Christ. Ask the Lord to work in her heart, drawing her to Himself, and pray that she will put her faith and trust in Christ alone, no matter the cost.