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Shia of Iraq and Beyond

(SHE-uh) – “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers” (1 John 3:16 ESV). A church has a vision to make Jesus known to the lost around them! The elders are studying the Book of Ephesians and seeking to obey what it says. They want to better love one another and serve those in the lost community so that others will see the impact Christ makes in a changed life. There are two who have an interest in learning more about the hope Jesus can bring. Pray that the elders of this church will “cast a vision” for reaching more people like these two who are questioning what they believe in. Ask that the lost around this church will see the deep love that the body of Christ has for one another. Pray that these seekers will believe in Jesus as the true way of salvation and will be people whom God uses to impact the darkness around them.