Shia of Iraq and Beyond

(SHE-uh) – For Muslims, there is a mandatory 40-day mourning period that follows the death of a loved one. Toward the end of August, Shia spanning the globe observe a day known to them as Arbaeen (pronounced ar-bah-EEN) to mourn their fallen savior figure of old, Hussain. Millions come to Iraq and walk in processionals to the city of Karbala. They walk for days to remember the arduous journey that Hussain took to that city, where he died in battle centuries ago. Once Shia reach Karbala, the only thing that awaits them is the grand mausoleum of Hussain. Many believe that their prayers will be heard now that they are in the presence of their “holy leader.” Within the shrine are stalls of doctors’ offices, offering free medicine and treatments to pilgrims. Those coming to Karbala believe that this is their last hope of finding healing for their ailments. Looking to Hussain for their salvation has not led to true healing and peace. Pray for Iraqi Shia to come to know the Great Physician and for them to come to saving faith. Pray that this spiritual healing will fall across the land of Iraq!