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Shia of the Desert

As new believers emerge among the Shia, persecution becomes somewhat of a regular event. While it used to be potentially deadly, today it’s much less so; nonetheless, it remains very painful. How can people from a dysfunctional society come to faith and suddenly become “functional”? The Shia have learned to trust only a few family members and, basically, no one else. How can they begin to trust people beyond their family when they find themselves in the family of God? Many new believers have suffered mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse as younger people. How do they come to know their wholeness in Christ? Families are falling apart at a high rate. Sexual harassment is on the rise as the society experiences more freedom, and laws about that haven’t yet been written. Young men have been neglected and manipulated by their mothers and older sisters. How can they trust a possible spouse, let alone a body of believers? Ask the God of redemption to move and knit His body together with love, trust, knowledge, and understanding. Pray for mature believers to have wisdom and understanding to help individuals sort out the many challenges and trauma. Pray for a healthy Shia church!