Saleiha had become discouraged, but another believer has been able to meet with her weekly, and it has been such a blessing for them both. She has been a sister in Christ for three years but only knew of others over the internet. The Lord used dreams to reveal Himself to her, which led to lots of internet searching for truth. Her faith appears strong, but her knowledge of the Word is weak. She even remarked that if she knew the Word, she would be able to convince others to follow Christ. Praise the Lord that Saleiha wants to grow in understanding and knowledge of the truth and desires for her people to know this truth! Pray for her to be connected with other believers and meet with the local body regularly. This is often a challenging task due to so much distrust in the local culture. She has been encouraged by her time of meeting with the one believer. Pray that they will continue to meet and establish a regular rhythm of growing in the basics of the faith.