Thai-Khorat of Thailand

(tie-koh-RAHT) – “In January 2024, we told you about Yani and asked you to pray. Yani had asked us for booklets about Jesus and gospel tracts to pass out during her mother’s funeral at the Buddhist temple. We gave her around 300 booklets and tracts, and she distributed them all at her mother’s funeral. Later, we visited Jane, a woman who had expressed interest in the gospel at an evangelistic outreach meeting. We recently visited Jane again. This time, her father came to listen to the story of Adam and Eve. He said he had received a gospel tract at the funeral a year ago, and he had kept it to read in his hut out in his field when he rested from farming. Praise God for Jane and her father who have both expressed interest in learning more about Jesus. Thank you for praying! Please keep praying for Jane and her father to understand how Jesus died on the cross to save them from their sin.”