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Tswana of Botswana

(t’SWAN-ah) – Give thanks to God for Southern Baptists who partner with missionaries around the world! Missionary Amanda Turner writes: “I love African proverbs and the wisdom found in them that seems so simple yet so profound. Two of my favorite African proverbs are: ‘If you think you’re too small to make a difference, then you’ve never spent the night with a mosquito,’ and ‘If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.’ These remind me of the partnership that we have with so many of you who lift up and pray for our family and ministry and support our work so that we can share the gospel with those in Botswana. We know how important this partnership is, and we want to ‘go far’ together with you. Your partnership, no matter how small or how large, makes a difference. Thank you!”