(TWAR-eg) – Winter is in full swing in the Sahara. People do not typically think of the desert as having harsh winters, but every year the wind shifts, the days are not as hot, and the nights can become bitterly cold. The shades of brown that typically define this desert are now broken by sporadic white spotting. Snow can be found atop some of the desert mountains and even the occasional top of a dune in the early hours of the morning. As the cold of winter bears down on the Tuareg, they shelter as much as they can inside tents, huts, and whatever other housing they may find. As families and friends shelter together from the cold, please pray that the conversations will turn to spiritual things, believers will take the opportunity to share the good news, and many people will seek out the truth. As they shelter from the elements, may the Tuareg experience the warmth that can only come from the Holy Spirit melting their hearts and filling them with His goodness, resulting in salvation.