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You can transform lives by ensuring missionaries can take the gospel to unreached people every day.

When you give towards Lottie Moon, you’re joining millions of other Christians who have committed to advancing God’s Kingdom. The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is an annual offering collected by Southern Baptists to support international missions. The offering was officially named in 1918 by Woman’s Missionary Union in honor of the missionary to China who urged churches to start it and give sacrificially.

When you give today you:

  • ensure that every dollar you give goes directly to the mission field
  • free missionaries from the burden of fundraising and allow them to stay in the field 100% of the time
  • offer extensive cross cultural training and comprehensive support to our missionaries
  • bring tangible help through medical supplies, clean water, and the life-transforming message of the gospel to thousands.

Will you give a gift of any amount today to ensure that those who do not yet know the name of Jesus will experience His love and learn to know Him well?

Choose an amount to give to the Lottie Moon Offering

Please choose a monthly amount of $5 or greater.
Please Select a Valid Gift Destination

Your $100.00 one-time gift provides clean drinking water for a year.

Thank you for your gift!

Copy and share the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering link below…

Or share it through social media…

How would you like to notify someone of your gift to missions?

Mail a Card

We’ll send a physical card to a person’s mailbox

Give Monthly

Join the Seven Nine Community

Monthly givers join the Seven Nine Community and empower the gospel to spread to the ends of the earth 365 days a year. 100% of your gifts each month directly provide help and hope to those who need it most.

Did you know?

A Simple Text Can Advance the Kingdom

Would you rather text to give? No problem! Just text @imb to 52014 for quick and simple giving.