Support IMB Missionaries Who Risk EVERYTHING to Share the Gospel

Courageous IMB missionaries are risking their lives to bring the hope of Christ to those who have never heard His name. They can serve in some of the most dangerous places on earth. 

These missionaries face unimaginable dangers every day. They work in places where sharing the gospel comes with great risk. No matter the circumstances, their faith drives them to press on.

Why? Because they believe the eternal souls of the unreached are worth every risk.

These brave men and women can’t show their faces in publications, share their names, or ask for help openly. Doing so would jeopardize their safety, their mission, and local believers. Yet their needs are great.

When you give today, you will: 

  • Provide critical support for missionaries serving in challenging and high-risk areas.
  • Ensure they are able to boldly proclaim the gospel despite the challenges they face. 
  • Bring the hope of salvation to individuals and communities living in spiritual darkness.

The cost of this work is extraordinary, but the impact is eternal. With your gift, you become a lifeline for these missionaries, allowing them to focus on their calling without fear of being abandoned or unsupported.

Will you stand with those who are willing to give everything for the gospel?

100% of your gift goes directly to the mission field, freeing missionaries from fundraising burdens and allowing them to concentrate on building relationships with people who need Jesus. Your gift provides encouragement and strength to missionaries who are steadfast in shining the light of Christ in a lost world. 

Make your gift today using the secure form below, and help deliver hope where it’s most dangerous to do so.