Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

We are so grateful for your passion to help us to share the gospel to every unreached person. At the IMB we are dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to preach the life-saving gospel to every nation, tribe, people, and language. 

When you partner with the IMB you:

  • fully fund missionaries, freeing them from the burden of fundraising
  • ensure that every dollar you give goes directly to the mission field 
  • offer more support and training to our missionaries
  • bring medical supplies, clean water, and the life-transforming message of the gospel to thousands. 

We’re able to do this important work all over the globe because of generous friends who partner with us. If reaching the furthest corners of the earth with the gospel of Jesus Christ is important to you as well, we invite you to join with these friends by praying for IMB and making a donation of any amount to help support this work. 

Any gift you can give will allow you to be a part of the tangible love that is being shown each day to thousands of people worldwide through IMB missionaries. 

Will you help us deliver the gospel to those who have never heard it before?

You can give using the secure form below. Thank you!

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Please choose an amount of $5 or greater.
Please Select a Valid Gift Destination

Your $100.00 one-time gift provides clean drinking water for a year.

Thank you for your gift!

Copy and share the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering link below…

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