Persian Refugee Discipleship & Education

588993e9-6eb7-4807-a05d-6daf5779b4e7 LMC140200500 Central Asian Peoples AG400 Persian Refugee Discipleship & Education 1 2020-01-02T00:00:00 2025-01-01T00:00:00 “I want that! I want to be saved right now!” the Persian woman shouted out during the church service, interrupting the speaker. This woman followed Christ as her Savior after only a few weeks of attending services at the Oasis Refugee Center. She started coming to the center to study English as a Second Language and then began attending a women’s church group and seeker’s class. She came to church because of relationships built through English class and now she has found Christ and is being … Continue reading Persian Refugee Discipleship & Education