Why We Exist
Taking the Good News to Every Corner of the Earth
At IMB, we prioritize getting missionaries to the people and places of the world who have never heard the gospel. As one of the leading global missions organizations in the world, the IMB strategically sends frontline workers to the edges of lostness.
Global Need
The Need Is More Urgent than Ever
unengaged unreached people groups
people dying daily without Christ
unreached people
Because of Your Generosity
Because of Your Generosity
People groups and places were engaged
People heard the gospel
People became new believers
People were baptized
New churches Were started
People received leadership training
Global Impact Guide
2023 Global Impact Guide Out Now!
We’re reaching the nations, together. Experience the ways you and your church can be involved in advancing the kingdom every day. This comprehensive resource includes pages of missionary stories, highlights of what your generosity has accomplished, opportunities to be involved all year, and more!
Available in English, Korean, Chinese and Spanish.
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