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Understanding Global Realities

Editor’s note: This is the third post in a 12-part series that highlights information found in IMB’s Annual Statistical Report. The report is based on 2019 research data. A full copy of the report is available at imb.org/asr.

Infographic: The Gospel is shared 275,000 times weeklyInfographic: But the growth rate is 1,498,402 people added weekly to the global population (roughly 215,057 added every single day)

Our best estimate of gospel sharing by Christians worldwide reveals a staggering reality—we are failing to keep up with the global population growth rate.

While almost 1.5 million people were added to the global population every week in 2019, recent estimates seem to indicate that, on average, evangelical Christians only share the gospel around 275,000 times per week. This reality should spur Christians everywhere to share their faith regularly.

Across the globe, God continues to call missionaries from the nations to go to the nations. An instrumental part of the core missionary task is “Exit to Partnership.” Many global missionaries are coming from mission fields where IMB personnel have labored for many years alongside indigenous partners in the planting of healthy reproducing churches.

Infographic: 2 people die every second without Christ. Picture everyone in Salem, Oregon, or Cape Coral, Florida, dying in one day.

Infographic: Global Population Growth, 1800-2025

Since a major component of church health is local indigenous ownership in the Great Commission, these churches are sending missionaries to reach the nations. Only as more and more Christians from all nations share the gospel on a regular basis to those near and far will we keep up with population growth rates.

Growth and death rate data from CIA World Factbook (www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/docs/profileguide.html)