
Pray for missions.

Friday, December 13 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Young People Reaching the Asia-Pacific Rim

The church in the Philippines has great potential to send workers into the harvest. In the next weeks, Filipino young people will be challenged to go to the unreached areas around them to share the gospel. Pray for this effort of mobilization to raise up the next generation of believers across the Philippines to take up the obligation of fulfilling the Great Commission.

Friday, December 13 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Wassulu of Mali, Guinea, and Cote d’Ivoire

(WAH-soo-loo) - Workers among the Wassulu are working with some young Malian videographers who desire to use their skills for God's purposes. They recently met with the videographers to discuss opportunities to use video, in addition to audio, to proclaim the gospel and encourage believers. A test for a video, using one of the Bible stories, was recorded recently by some of the Malians. Once the draft is edited, the team will assess it for potential use and plan for future recordings if all goes well. Pray for this new opportunity, and give thanks to the Lord for providing the resources to produce these videos! Pray for the young men who are behind the cameras and editing as well as for the Wassulu workers. Pray for the hearts of the Wassulu people to be prepared by the Lord to hear and see the testimonies of the Word, leading them also to be called according to 1 Peter 2:9 (ESV): "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

Friday, December 13 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Theological Education in Cape Town, South Africa

Fifty years after Cape Town Baptist Seminary's (CTBS) founding and 25 years after arriving in Cape Town, missionary Gail Davis heard God tell her to serve Him and people in a different ministry, one that she had never considered. Officially starting in January 2025, Gail will become the chaplain to students at CTBS. This requires being available to meet with students who are struggling. Students face similar dilemmas worldwide: a lack of community support, a struggle to understand the classes, and a lack of food. CTBS will have at least 103 students in 2025. Currently, 11 students are from other places, nationally and internationally. Learning difficulties increase with the need to understand English, write at an academic level, gain community, get medical care, buy food, and more. Ask God to help the students who struggle, and pray for them to ask for help and not remain silent. Intercede for churches to join in this ministry by providing community, food, and so forth. Pray that these churches will accept these students as family whom they should love. Ask the Father to guide Gail in ministry to the students and as she seeks help from local Baptist church members and pastors.

Friday, December 13 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

South Korea

Please pray that the many Christmas activities happening in Seoul this month will engage seekers and share the gospel. The events planned include evangelistic parties, Christmas-themed busking, home-baked holiday treats for neighbors, and other activities. Please pray that at the planned outreaches and in unplanned situations, there will be many opportunities to share the gospel. Please pray for God to do a special work and that many will become believers who know and love the Savior Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 13 2024
South Asian Peoples

Peoples of West Uttar Pradesh, India

(OO-tar pra-DESH) - Pray that the Lord will give believers in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, a renewed sense of boldness and confidence. As a result of recent events of opposition, there has been a heightened culture of fear, which has made outreach more challenging. Pray that these brothers and sisters in Christ will not lose hope and that the Spirit will give other believers the ability to encourage and comfort those who are afraid.

Friday, December 13 2024
South Asian Peoples

Muslims of Northwest India

Winter is beginning in the "Valley of Treasures," bringing with it great opportunities for meetings and trainings before the cold officially sets in for the season. Pray for times of intentional discipleship and growing in the knowledge of Jesus and His Word during these gatherings. Pray that those who are met with and trained will put into practice what they are learning and also share it with others. Pray that difficulties with sickness, managing schedules, and finding places to meet will not hinder these meetings and trainings from taking place.

Friday, December 13 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Melting Cities, East Asia

"Please pray for a woman who has recently started studying the Bible with us. She came as a postdoctoral researcher and became interested in the Word during our language lessons. Pray that God would open her heart to fully understand the gospel and embrace Jesus as her Savior. Pray that through this journey, her faith would deepen, allowing her to experience the fullness of God's love and truth in her life."

Friday, December 13 2024
Central Asian Peoples

Kazakhs of Kazakhstan

(KAH-zahks) - "I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people'" (Luke 2:10 ESV). Pray for the good news to go forth without hindrance throughout Kazakhstan. Pray for more Kazakhs to hear the truth and follow Jesus. Pray for more people to read and hear the Bible in their own language and for believers to have boldness to share with their friends and family.

Friday, December 13 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples

Forgotten People of the Horn of Africa

Lydia is the city administrator of a village inhabited totally by Forgotten People. She's a single young woman whose only exposure to religion has been through the Orthodox church. When believers came to her village for the day to complete a development project, she watched intently with excitement. When noon rolled around, she hosted the believers in her home for lunch. But the rain pattered so hard on the tin roof that the noise drowned out any possibility for spiritual conversation! That afternoon, when the work was completed, Lydia asked for a ride into town. Along the bumpy road, in that pickup truck piled high with power tools and people, something holy happened. Lydia heard the good news of Jesus Christ for the first time. She said, "Everything I've ever been taught about religion has been a lie." Praise God for this divinely orchestrated moment and for how He prepares "people of peace" (Luke 10:6)! Praise God that He gave Lydia ears to hear and eyes to see the truth! Pray that Lydia will continue to grow in knowledge and love for Him and that she'll use her influence to point Forgotten People to Christ.

Friday, December 13 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples

Atheists, Agnostics, Artists; N. Africa & Mid East

A few months ago, Christians working at a clinic in the city prayed for a patient who couldn't get pregnant. The next month, Hannah came back pregnant! She almost didn't believe the news when she first heard it. Pray for opportunities for Hannah to be exposed to the best news--the good news!--and ask that she will embrace the love and abundant life that Jesus offers her and her family.

Friday, December 13 2024
American Peoples

American Peoples

Workers ask: "Please be in prayer for five college students and their faculty sponsor as they travel to our city for ministry and service. They will spend time teaching in the English school, leading a youth retreat, and sharing stories about Jesus among the people here. We are grateful for their time, prayers, and effort. Please pray that their stay will lead to many people hearing and believing the good news about the resurrected Christ!"

Pray for Requests Worldwide