In memoriam: Missionary emeritus Todd Hamilton, 1928-2024

Portrait of Todd Hamilton. IMB Photo

Todd Hamilton, an International Mission Board missionary emeritus who shared the gospel in the Philippines, died Dec. 17, 2024, in Houston, Texas. He was 96.  

Todd was born Oct. 11, 1928, in Cleveland, Ohio, to the late Perry E. Hamilton and Adeline Condell Hamilton. He graduated from East High School in Cleveland and received the Bachelor of Arts from Baylor University, Waco, Texas, and the Doctor of Religious Education from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisiana. 

He made a public profession of faith in Christ at the age of 9. After high school, he attended Baylor University for two years before financial circumstances caused him to return home. While at home, he joined the National Guard and studied law. In June of 1950, he felt God leading him to resign the National Guard and return to Baylor. While seeking missionary appointment he wrote, “Three giant steps were taken that summer … first … I was called to full-time Christian service. Second, I married …Doris Nell Winn … and third, I visited the campus of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and enrolled for the fall term.” 

While in seminary, he served in several different churches across Louisiana as music and educational pastor, assistant pastor and interim pastor. After completing his doctorate, he and Doris answered God’s call to international mission work. While seeking appointment he wrote, “We wish we could do more for him. The call to foreign missions presents a new adventure in life for us. We await it expectantly.” 

In 1964, the International Mission Board appointed Tom and Doris missionaries to the Philippines. He served as a seminary professor at Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary in Baguio City, advised and counseled local pastors, wrote training materials and shared the gospel.  

Todd was preceded in death by Doris, his wife of 65 years. 

He is survived by four children, Todd, Jr. (Carol Mulhearn), Scott (Mendy), Ginger (Michael Westley) and Joy Bradbury (Robert); seven grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.  

A memorial service was held Jan. 19 at University Baptist Church in Houston. 

Read an obituary here.