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Indigenous Ministry in Jaqué by Boat

Boating for the Lord! This isn't tubing or canoeing; it's evangelism and discipleship in harsh jungle locations!
Imagine doing ministry in a jungle village on the Pacific Coast of Panama – 100 miles from the nearest road.  We travel by car five hours east of Panama City, and then it’s a three-hour boat ride on the ocean down the Pacific Coast to Jaqué. This boat is what enables us to continue this ministry, using Jaqué as a missionary outpost from which the gospel goes forth into remote areas of eastern Panama and the Chocó region of Colombia. Your gift will help with the costs of running and maintaining this boat, helping our team and national partners take the gospel to those who have never heard the name of Jesus and plant churches in challenging jungle locations.
Imagine doing ministry in a jungle village on the Pacific Coast of Panama – 100 miles from the nearest road.  We travel by car five hours east of Panama City, and then it’s a three-hour boat ride on the ocean down the Pacific Coast to Jaqué. This boat is what enables us to continue this ministry, using Jaqué as a missionary outpost from which the gospel goes forth into remote areas of eastern Panama and the Chocó region of Colombia. Your gift will help with the costs of running and maintaining this boat, helping our team and national partners take the gospel to those who have never heard the name of Jesus and plant churches in challenging jungle locations.
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of $103,000 goal
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Licensing fee for 1 boat
pays for 1 year
Registering and tagging
covers 1 boat
Maintenance costs
funds 1 year
Boat trailer
buys 1
buys 1
Boat motor
buys 1

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Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


American Peoples

Andean peaks, Mayan ruins, Amazonian rainforest, Patagonian glaciers, and Caribbean white-sand beaches: South America is a land of exploration and diversity that commands your attention and captivates your senses. The people of Latin America and the Caribbean are known for their lively spirit. South America is home to thirteen of the world’s 100 most populous cities and these urban dwellers face challenges such as poverty, long work days, addictions, and broken families.

The Americas have a rich heritage of Christian missions, yet more than 550 million people here are living without Jesus. Indigenous cultures have intermixed so thoroughly with Christian beliefs that many traditional churches are void of any knowledge of the gospel. Of the 1003 people groups in the Americas, 178 are unreached and unengaged.

Ask God to give wisdom to IMB missionaries as they disciple local believers, develop leaders, and engage in human needs ministries to draw people to Christ.

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