A young life changed
Your support allowed our team to share Bible stories in a small village on Colombia’s Pacific Coast in January of this year.
A little boy we met, about eight years old, was crying and batting his ears. When we asked what was wrong, his mother shared that he was hearing voices telling him that his parents didn’t love him, were about to abandon him, and that he should kill himself. We continued to pray over him, and he calmed down.
We had been telling the story of the demon-possessed man that Jesus had healed, sharing with him that this Jesus who healed that man could also heal him. He decided that he wanted to follow Jesus, and the demons left him.
The following day, the mother and another son came to us, telling us that they wanted what he had received, and they prayed to accept Christ as Savior as well.
Please pray for this family, that they will grow in their faith and that we will be able to visit again soon to continue discipling them.
Youth outreach
Our team in Jaqué has been trying to reach the local youth in the community for months. Many of these children are growing up without any stable family life, without much access to higher education, and no hope of any job that will support them besides running drugs for the cartels.
Holidays are tough times, as the community parties for days. Carnival (like Mardi Gras) and Holy Week were times when our team decided to host special activities for the community’s youth. Your gifts allowed us to plan and host these events.
Our team and local believers worked to prepare soccer tournaments, volleyball games, snacks, and, most importantly, Bible stories. These activities were well attended, and relationships have continued to grow since. Several afternoons weekly, the youth of Jaqué continue to show up to play soccer or volleyball, and our team, along with US partner churches visiting, can spend time with them. Please pray for these youth that their hearts will be open to the gospel and that we will see lives changed.
Basketball clinic offers access
This month (April), we had a group of US partners from Oklahoma go out to Jaqué with us. We have been trying to get into the school in Jaqué for over six years.
This group offered to hold a basketball clinic with the school children. The PE teacher liked this idea and arranged for our group to work with them during school hours for several days. After the clinic, our team shared Bible stories and sang songs with the kids. Please pray that we will be able to continue to have access to the school and share Bible stories with the kids and the teachers.
Thanks to our boat, Aventuras Jaqué – we have continued ministering in Jaqué, up the Jaqué River, and elsewhere. Even in rough seas, this sturdy, dependable boat has taken us through safely. We recently had some repairs made and continue to do maintenance, oil changes, etc.
We are thankful for you, who have given so generously to the Indigenous Ministry in Jaqué by Boat ministry. You support makes our work possible.
Thank you so much for your generosity to this ministry and those God calls us to reach in remote areas of eastern Panama and the Chocó region of Colombia. Your prayers and sacrificial giving undergird the operation and maintenance of the Aventuras Jaqué, a boat helping our team and national partners take the gospel to those who have never heard the name of Jesus.
Gospel explodes where sadness prevailed. In the 1970s, the Panamanian government constructed a hydroelectric plant dislocating several indigenous communities. One of these was an Emberá community relocated to the new village of Piriatí. This violent uprooting shakes the core of an indigenous community in ways that are hard for most of us to comprehend. People began to suffer depression, and Satan seized the opportunity. Even the tribal witch doctor could do nothing to help the people.
Several hours east, other Emberá heard about the people of Piriatí and traveled with local missionaries to the village. As they shared the gospel—Emberá to Emberá—several from the one family decided to follow Christ, and over time, more and more did the same. The only family member who could read, a 12-year-old boy, was appointed as “pastor” so he could read the Bible to the believers, and they could continue to learn God’s Word.
Blessed to be a blessing. Those who came to Christ in Piriatí soon began to visit other Emberá villages in Panama, taking the gospel to many of their people. One of those earliest believers dreamed of sharing the gospel beyond Panama to other Emberá villages in Colombia. He passed away five years ago, never having realized this dream.
Today, however, three of his children and three of his grandchildren are actively working to make this dream a reality. They have traveled to Colombia several times, sharing the gospel story in their language in places where whites and Latinos cannot go, sometimes staying for 6-7 weeks at a time in villages far upriver. The more remote an area is, the more difficult and expensive it is to get there. Most of the region they are reaching has no roads, so travel is sometimes by air, but more often by boat—on both the ocean and local rivers. We continually praise the Lord for His faithfulness in calling out missionaries from among the Emberá and using them to reach their own people with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Please join us in prayer.
We are so thankful for you, our partners, who make “Indigenous Ministry in Jaqué by Boat” possible. Your sacrificial gifts and intercession are truly transforming lives as we partner together to solve the world’s greatest problem, lostness.
Andean peaks, Mayan ruins, Amazonian rainforest, Patagonian glaciers, and Caribbean white-sand beaches: South America is a land of exploration and diversity that commands your attention and captivates your senses. The people of Latin America and the Caribbean are known for their lively spirit. South America is home to thirteen of the world’s 100 most populous cities and these urban dwellers face challenges such as poverty, long work days, addictions, and broken families.
The Americas have a rich heritage of Christian missions, yet more than 550 million people here are living without Jesus. Indigenous cultures have intermixed so thoroughly with Christian beliefs that many traditional churches are void of any knowledge of the gospel. Of the 1003 people groups in the Americas, 178 are unreached and unengaged.
Ask God to give wisdom to IMB missionaries as they disciple local believers, develop leaders, and engage in human needs ministries to draw people to Christ.