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Mobilizing the Angola Church to Tell His Story

Mobilize the Angolan church to reach the remaining unreached peoples in their country through Bible storying and evangelism training.

The Angolan Baptist church is strong, but many local believers do not know how to share the gospel and make disciples because they don’t understand the Bible well themselves. A deeper understanding of Scripture produces stronger disciples; stronger disciples produce a vibrant church. Your gift to this ministry will make God’s Word available in an oral format their preferred learning style — for all people groups and languages of Angola. IMB personnel will equip, coach and mentor African colleagues to reach the unreached people and places of Angola using Tell His Story evangelism training and Bible storying discipleship groups. This training will strengthen and equip the Angolan church in the missionary tasks of engaging and evangelizing, planting churches, discipling new believers and developing leaders who guide churches to plant other churches.

Your partnership with this ministry project will take God’s Word to the Angolan people in a way they can understand and respond to, making strong, reproducing followers of Jesus who create healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches. The specific goals of this ministry include (1) Reaching the unengaged, unreached and under-reached peoples and places of Angola. (2) God’s Word for Bible-less peoples of Angola. (3) Healthy reproducing evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and leadership development. (4) Mobilizing the existing church for the missionary task. (5) Developing partnerships with GCCs and nationals. (6) Equipping, coaching, and mentoring national partners in the missionary task. Give today to spur on the sharing of God’s Word orally among all unreached, unengaged and under-reached people groups of Angola!

The Angolan Baptist church is strong, but many local believers do not know how to share the gospel and make disciples because they don’t understand the Bible well themselves. A deeper understanding of Scripture produces stronger disciples; stronger disciples produce a vibrant church. Your gift to this ministry will make God’s Word available in an oral format their preferred learning style — for all people groups and languages of Angola. IMB personnel will equip, coach and mentor African colleagues to reach the unreached people and places of Angola using Tell His Story evangelism training and Bible storying discipleship groups. This training will strengthen and equip the Angolan church in the missionary tasks of engaging and evangelizing, planting churches, discipling new believers and developing leaders who guide churches to plant other churches.

Your partnership with this ministry project will take God’s Word to the Angolan people in a way they can understand and respond to, making strong, reproducing followers of Jesus who create healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches. The specific goals of this ministry include (1) Reaching the unengaged, unreached and under-reached peoples and places of Angola. (2) God’s Word for Bible-less peoples of Angola. (3) Healthy reproducing evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and leadership development. (4) Mobilizing the existing church for the missionary task. (5) Developing partnerships with GCCs and nationals. (6) Equipping, coaching, and mentoring national partners in the missionary task. Give today to spur on the sharing of God’s Word orally among all unreached, unengaged and under-reached people groups of Angola!

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of $210,000 goal
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Training manuals in Portuguese
buys paper to print 12 sets
Training materials in a local language
pays for one set
Storying training expenses
provides in one province
Storying training in neighboring country
covers training team expenses

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Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


Sub-Saharan African Peoples

From the jagged Atlas Mountains to the vast Sahara Desert and the wildlife of the Serengeti, Africa is unrivaled for natural beauty and the hospitality of her people. Most Sub-Saharan Africans live hand-to-mouth, surviving on what they can harvest and herd, but regardless of status or wealth, most Africans share a common bond in community, family, and tribe.

Home to 2,500 ethnic groups, the region once characterized by sweeping poverty is redefining itself with bustling economies and technological enterprise. Eleven of the twenty-five fastest-growing global cities are in Sub-Saharan Africa. Whether urban-or-village dwellers, though, many Africans still try to manipulate spiritual powers through charms, sacrifices, and divination. The hope of the gospel is desperately needed.

African believers are catching a vision for sharing their faith. Sub-Saharan Africa is poised to become a tremendous missionary-sending force. Ask God to fan the flames of evangelism and cover Africa with his glory.

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