
Diego may not have been the smartest kid in his high school, but he was unquestionably the most determined. He graduated valedictorian with a solid 4.0, thirty college credit hours, a hefty scholarship, and absolutely no idea what he wanted to do with his life. With virtually all his basic courses out of the way, he was out of time to pick a major and beginning to panic fast when his uncle started reminiscing about his time as an exchange student in Madrid.

The more his uncle talked, the more interested Diego became. He was already bilingual. He could enter a community college in another country, gain some intercultural experience, and learn a third language while he was at it. His only memories overseas were from mission trips, though, so he called his pastor that evening at his wit’s end on how to pursue the idea. But his pastor immediately veered off in a strange direction, chattering about the international missionary team their church supports and their work near a university in their area.

“Pastor, pastor!” Diego finally interjected, “I’m not asking about being a missionary. I want to be an exchange student.”

“Oh,” his pastor said, “Did I not make that clear? You can be both.”

Six months later, Diego has settled comfortably into his new dorm room a continent away from home. He meets weekly with his home church’s missionary team to help plan outreaches and discipleship training, but his favorite part of his “job” is just getting to make friends with the students at his school. Word has spread quickly around the small campus that the odd-looking foreigner with the thick accent is excellent at soccer, happy to tutor in English, and has incredible stories about a man named Jesus.

The Mission

We partner with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.

The Vision

Our vision is a multitude from every language, people, tribe, and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Method

Limitless. That’s a word we’ve used recently at the IMB to describe our vision for partnering with Southern Baptist churches and other Great Commission Christians. We want to vastly expand our missions efforts for the spread of the gospel to every people group on the planet.


A field of study that corresponds to your university of choice
Sense of adventure, backpack, graphing calculator
A home church ready to train and send you out
Passion for a new culture and language
Eagerness to share the gospel with those who’ve never heard