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Church Interview Guide

Pastors and church leaders, please use and adapt the questions below. Feel free to ask the
questions in a different order, combine questions, and restate the questions in a more natural
manner. We provide these questions as an aid intended to help you as you discern and
discover more about the applicant’s readiness for cross-cultural service with the IMB.

Purpose and Content of the Interview

  1. We’ve reviewed your questionnaires and want to thank you for your honesty and
    transparency in sharing with us.
  2. We will begin with prayer, then dialogue together about various aspects of the information
    you have submitted.
  3. The purpose of our time today is to determine whether now is the right time for you to
    pursue cross-cultural ministry overseas through the IMB.

Personal Testimony and Discipleship:

  1. Briefly share your salvation story.
  2. Please describe what God doing in your life right now? What are you learning? In what
    ways do you think you need to grow in your spiritual maturity?
  3. Describe the process of your discipleship? Who are the key spiritual influencers in your

Missionary Call and Evangelism

  1. Why do you want to be a missionary overseas? In what ways do you sense the Lord is
    leading you towards cross-cultural service?
  2. How would you answer the question “What is the Gospel?” from a non-Christian friend?
  3. Describe the last time you shared your faith with someone. When was this? How did it go?
  4. When was the last time you were instrumental in someone making a decision to follow

Family, Marriage, Dating, and Sexual Purity

  1. Singles – How content are you as a single? What aspects of being single are a struggle for
  2. Married – How do you try to honor God in your marriage? How do you try to help your
    spouse grow spiritually? Describe a time of serious conflict in your marriage and how it was
  3. Parents — How do your children feel about moving overseas? Do you believe now is a good
    time in their life/development to move overseas?
  4. Tell me about the last time you struggled with any sexual sin (i.e. pornography, pre-marital
    sex, extra-marital sex, or other forms of sexual impurity). To whom have you confessed and
    how are you trying to repent and gain victory from this sin?

Emotional and Lifestyle Wellness

  1. Tell me about a time when you were able to bounce back from a difficult situation or
  2. How do you manage stress in your life?
  3. How do you use community and accountability to maintain a healthy spiritual and emotional
  4. Tell me about a time when you were angry or lost your temper and how you handled that.
  5. Any other issues/struggles/challenges indicated on the Emotional Wellness Questionnaire
    that need to be explored further.

Cross-Cultural Ministry Readiness

  1. In what ways do you think ministry would look different in another culture?
  2. Are you willing to make the investment of learning another language and culture?
  3. What are some things you think you need to learn more about to be fruitful in cross-cultural
  4. How do you respond when your plans change suddenly or you are faced with adversity?

Faithful Church Member

  1. How do you seek to honor God in your daily life?
  2. How do you balance your time between work, family, church, and other relationships?
  3. .Are you meeting regularly with anyone from your church to encourage them to grow

Closing Thoughts and Encouragements to the Applicant

  • Thank the applicant for their honesty and vulnerability during this process.
  • Encourage the applicant in ways you’ve seen faithfulness and fruitfulness in their walk with
  • Suggest one or two ways you think the applicant could grow, personally and/or spiritually.
    Include any specific ways they need to grow as they prepare for overseas ministry.
  • Close the interview in prayer.