Pastors and church leaders, please use and adapt the questions below. Feel free to ask the
questions in a different order, combine questions, and restate the questions in a more natural
manner. We provide these questions as an aid intended to help you as you discern and
discover more about the applicant’s readiness for cross-cultural service with the IMB.
Purpose and Content of the Interview
- We’ve reviewed your questionnaires and want to thank you for your honesty and
transparency in sharing with us.
- We will begin with prayer, then dialogue together about various aspects of the information
you have submitted.
- The purpose of our time today is to determine whether now is the right time for you to
pursue cross-cultural ministry overseas through the IMB.
Personal Testimony and Discipleship:
- Briefly share your salvation story.
- Please describe what God doing in your life right now? What are you learning? In what
ways do you think you need to grow in your spiritual maturity?
- Describe the process of your discipleship? Who are the key spiritual influencers in your
Missionary Call and Evangelism
- Why do you want to be a missionary overseas? In what ways do you sense the Lord is
leading you towards cross-cultural service?
- How would you answer the question “What is the Gospel?” from a non-Christian friend?
- Describe the last time you shared your faith with someone. When was this? How did it go?
- When was the last time you were instrumental in someone making a decision to follow
Family, Marriage, Dating, and Sexual Purity
- Singles – How content are you as a single? What aspects of being single are a struggle for
- Married – How do you try to honor God in your marriage? How do you try to help your
spouse grow spiritually? Describe a time of serious conflict in your marriage and how it was
- Parents — How do your children feel about moving overseas? Do you believe now is a good
time in their life/development to move overseas?
- Tell me about the last time you struggled with any sexual sin (i.e. pornography, pre-marital
sex, extra-marital sex, or other forms of sexual impurity). To whom have you confessed and
how are you trying to repent and gain victory from this sin?
Emotional and Lifestyle Wellness
- Tell me about a time when you were able to bounce back from a difficult situation or
- How do you manage stress in your life?
- How do you use community and accountability to maintain a healthy spiritual and emotional
- Tell me about a time when you were angry or lost your temper and how you handled that.
- Any other issues/struggles/challenges indicated on the Emotional Wellness Questionnaire
that need to be explored further.
Cross-Cultural Ministry Readiness
- In what ways do you think ministry would look different in another culture?
- Are you willing to make the investment of learning another language and culture?
- What are some things you think you need to learn more about to be fruitful in cross-cultural
- How do you respond when your plans change suddenly or you are faced with adversity?
Faithful Church Member
- How do you seek to honor God in your daily life?
- How do you balance your time between work, family, church, and other relationships?
- .Are you meeting regularly with anyone from your church to encourage them to grow
Closing Thoughts and Encouragements to the Applicant
- Thank the applicant for their honesty and vulnerability during this process.
- Encourage the applicant in ways you’ve seen faithfulness and fruitfulness in their walk with
- Suggest one or two ways you think the applicant could grow, personally and/or spiritually.
Include any specific ways they need to grow as they prepare for overseas ministry.
- Close the interview in prayer.