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Tag: konkomba

A Kokomba woman walks through her village in northeastern Ghana during dry season.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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A public health nurse checks a patient’s blood pressure at a mobile medical clinic in the Konkomba village of Gbangu-Nagbo, Ghana.

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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more

A public health nurse checks a patient’s blood pressure at a mobile medical clinic in the Konkomba village of Gbangu-Nagbo, Ghana.

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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more

A Baptist Medical Centre public health nurse examines a pregnant woman at a mobile clinic in the Kokomba village of Gbangu-Nagbo, Ghana.

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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more

The dry, cracked feet of a Konkomba woman in northern Ghana.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more

Pregnant women walk to an abandoned schoolhouse used for mobile clinics in Gbangu-Nagbo, Ghana. The Public Health Department of Baptist Medical Centre in Nalerigu, Ghana does regular mobile clinics in this Kokomba village.

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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more


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