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Tag: baptist church

Oleg and Dashia pose for a photo. The couple are leaders in the church, and they both serve in worship team. Mike Domke, an IMB missionary, and Cade and Ginny Wheeler of Send Relief, visited the church. Sasha and his wife, Julia, and with a team of young leaders lead this growing church. The Sunday worship service is filled to standing-room-only with 130 people. With the help of Send Relief, the church provides food packets to the community. IMB Photo

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Sasha, the pastor of Water of Life Church in Lutsk, Ukraine, and his wife, Julia, pose for a photo. The couple is in the process of adopting five children. Sasha and Julia and a team of young leaders lead this growing church in Lutsk. The Sunday worship service is filled to standing-room-only with 130 people. With the help of Send Relief, the church provides food packets to the community. IMB Photo

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Mike Domke, an IMB missionary, encourages and prays for a woman with four children. She recently came to faith but still struggles. Domke, met the woman at the Water of Life Church in Lutsk, Ukraine. The church, with the help of Send Relief, provides food packets to the community. IMB Photo

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Mike Domke, an IMB missionary, speaks during a church service at Water of Life Church in Lutsk, which is located in western Ukraine. Domke and Cade and Ginny Wheeler, who serve with Send Relief, visited the church, and spent time with the church’s pastor, Sasha, and his wife, Julia. The couple, with a team of young leaders, lead this growing church. The Sunday worship service is filled to standing-room-only with 130 people. With the help of Send Relief, the church provides food packets to the community. IMB Photo

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Worship leaders of Water of Life Church in Lutsk, Ukraine, lead the congregation in song. Mike Domke, an IMB missionary, and Cade and Ginny Wheeler of Send Relief, visited the church. Sasha and his wife, Julia, and with a team of young leaders lead this growing church. The Sunday worship service is filled to standing-room-only with 130 people. With the help of Send Relief, the church provides food packets to the community. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe, Prayer, Worship
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A woman prays during a service at the Water of Life Church in Lutsk, in western Ukraine. Mike Domke, an IMB missionary, and Cade and Ginny Wheeler of Send Relief, visited the pastor of the church, Sasha, and his wife, Julia. The church has a team of young leaders who lead this growing church. The Sunday worship service is filled to standing-room-only with 130 people. With the help of Send Relief, the church provides food packets to the community. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe, Prayer, Worship
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Church members sing praise songs over a light lunch after a food distribution. Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine, with the help of Send Relief, gives out over 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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Mike Domke, IMB missionary, talks with a Ukrainian man from Kozelets, Ukraine. Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, with the help of Send Relief, gives out over 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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Residents of Kozelets, Ukraine, leave the Bread of Life Baptist Church after receiving food packets. The church, with the help of Send Relief, distributes more than 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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A family embraces at the Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine. The church, with the help of Send Relief, distributes more than 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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IMB missionary Mike Domke passes out food packets to the residents of Kozelets, Ukraine. Bread of Life Baptist Church in this city in central Ukraine, with the help of Send Relief, gives out over 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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A woman holds a Bible during a church service at the Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine. The church, with the help of Send Relief, distributes more than 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. During the service, people heard the gospel message preached by Mike Domke, an IMB missionary who served in Kyiv before the war. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe, Worship
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Ukrainians listen to the gospel message preached by Mike Domke, an IMB missionary who served in Kyiv before the war. Domke spoke in the Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe, Worship
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Mike Domke, an IMB missionary, shares God’s Word to Ukrainians in Kozelets, Ukraine. People filled the sanctuary to attend a worship service. Bread of Life Baptist Church, with the help of Send Relief, gives out over 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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Men and women listen to Mike Domke, an IMB missionary, share God’s Word in the Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine, to attend a worship service. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe
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Mike Domke, an IMB missionary, shares God’s Word to Ukrainians in Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine. People filled the sanctuary of to attend a worship service. Every Friday, the church, with the help of Send Relief, gives out over 600 food packets to the community. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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People fill the sanctuary of Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine, to attend a worship service. Every Friday, the church, with the help of Send Relief, gives out over 600 food packets to the community. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. Mike Domke, an IMB missionary, shares God’s Word to Ukrainians in in the town of Kozelets. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe
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A Ukrainian elderly woman sits inside Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine, and waits for the service to start. Every Friday, the church, with the help of Send Relief, distributes more than 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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A Ukrainian woman shares with IMB missionary Mike Domke, how she felt it was her fault that her mom died because she was not there with her because of the war. Domke shared encouraging words and prayed for her. Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine, with the help of Send Relief, gives out over 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe
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Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine, with the help of Send Relief, gives out over 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe
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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more


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