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Tag: khorugh

The Soviet symbol, a hammer and sickle, etched on a gate in Khorugh, Tajikistan. The government in Tajikistan is trying to remove Russian influences in the country, such as by changing street names from Russian names to Tajik ones.

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Collection: Central Asia
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A portrait of a Pamiri woman wearing a headscarf in Khorugh, Tajikistan.

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A portrait of a Pamiri man in Khorugh, Tajikistan.

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Pamiri women say goodbye to each other in Khorugh, Tajikistan, as one of the women prepares to leave on a road trip.

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Collection: Central Asia
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Shughni men place their hands over their hearts as they greet each other in the village of Dasht, Tajikistan. This gesture is customary in Tajikistan and used when greeting others, offering thanks and in serving others. The Shughni are the largest subgroup of Pamiri people.

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Collection: Central Asia
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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more


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