There are more than 80 people groups in Ethiopia. The largest group, the Oromo, make up about 35% of the population. The approximately 5.9 million Hararghe Oromo are a division of this larger group and live in the east and southeastern part of Ethiopia. Their name is derived from the city of Harar, which, it’s believed, was instrumental in the spread of Islam. By the late 1700s, most of the Hararghe had accepted Islam. However, traditional Oromo beliefs centered around one god, Waaqa. As the Hararghe adopted Islam, they maintained the concept of Waaqa and incorporated their beliefs into the new religion. Today, 80% of the Hararghe follow Islam, and 15% follow the traditional religion. Less than 2% are evangelical Christian. About 10 years ago, there were some believers among the Hararghe. They were teaching the Bible, and people were coming to faith and being discipled. However, since then, there have been no church-planting efforts among them. Pray for the faithful believers in the area to reach out to their neighbors as well as find and equip other believers who will become eager to reach the Hararghe Oromo. Pray for open hearts among the Hararghe people.