A believer in Istanbul has worked for the past several years teaching Christian Turkmen leaders how to teach the Bible from the Bible. It seems simple, but for a society that is not easily able to read with comprehension, it is a challenging task. One leader, Bruno, learned well and wanted to teach other leaders in his home country of Turkmenistan how to teach the Bible. While Bruno has boldly shared the gospel with nonbelievers as well as worked directly with local pastors throughout the country, it was only recently that he and a few friends were called into the police station for questioning. The police brought in a teacher of Islam to refute Bruno’s teaching. Bruno and his friends were harassed for several hours, but in the end, they were released from police custody. Pray for Bruno to boldly teach the Bible. Pray for local leaders in Turkmenistan to persevere in doing good. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9 ESV).