Urban Rose, a City in the Horn of Africa

In Urban Rose, playing video games is becoming a popular pastime among young and older men alike. Young men go to video game halls after studying to play games with their friends. Some believers invited neighborhood young men to participate in a video game tournament. Around 25 young men from Orthodox and Muslim backgrounds have attended two different sessions, with a final round of the tournament to come. What drew these young men to spend time with the believers may be video games, but the Lord is using this tournament as a bridge for them to hear the truth. Most of the young men returned to where the tournament was held to participate in a Christmas program, playing games and hearing the Christmas story. When the young men return for the final round of the tournament, believers will share a short lesson and Scripture with them. Please pray that these young men and believers will get to know each other better and that the testimony of Christ will be known. Pray for softened hearts and an interest in the good news.