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IMB Trips
Before You Go

Thank you for your dedication to reaching the nations through an IMB mission trip. The volunteer application process for trips consists of two parts, outlined below. Additionally, there is detailed information to assist group leaders further below.

This well-structured process is designed to protect our missionaries, our national brothers and sisters, and our volunteers. Short-term mission trips are an instrumental part of fulfilling the Great Commission and deserve excellence in our service to one another. Thanks again for your commitment to reach the nations together!

Part 1 - Applying for the Trip

This section is where you submit your application, 3 references, background check and sign a Commitment to Confidentiality. When these items are completed and returned, they will be reviewed by the Prevention and Response Review (PARR) team before moving forward in the volunteer process. You will receive an email after the review is completed.
Applying for the Trip

Part 2 - Completing Trip Requirements

This section is where you will complete the remaining requirements to participate as a volunteer. These requirements include Policy Review and Volunteer Release and Assumption of Risk agreement signature, IMB’s Safe and Secure Training, and uploading emergency insurance coverage and copy of passport.
Completing Trip Requirements

Group Leader Roles and Responsibilities:

As the Group Leader, you play a vital role in guiding your team members through the initial steps of the volunteer process. Ensure that your team members understand the requirements and provide them with clear instructions. Please look through the part 1 and part 2 sections to see the steps required of your team members.
Completing Trip Requirements
If you need additional assistance, please email info@imb.org.