Thank you for your dedication to reaching the nations through an IMB mission trip. The volunteer application process for trips consists of two parts, outlined below. Additionally, there is detailed information to assist group leaders further below.
This well-structured process is designed to protect our missionaries, our national brothers and sisters, and our volunteers. Short-term mission trips are an instrumental part of fulfilling the Great Commission and deserve excellence in our service to one another. Thanks again for your commitment to reach the nations together!
Part 1 - Applying for the Trip
This section is where you submit your application, 3 references, background check and sign a Commitment to Confidentiality. When these items are completed and returned, they will be reviewed by the Prevention and Response Review (PARR) team before moving forward in the volunteer process. You will receive an email after the review is completed.
Registering Process:
- If your group leader registered you, you will receive an email with a link to complete your application. Skip to step #4.
- If you are registering yourself, click on the provided link.
Create an Account:
- Click 'Apply Today' and create a Go Method account if you do not have one.
- If you have an existing account, log in using the same email address.
Application Steps:
- On the 'Who are you registering for today?' page, select 'Yes' to register yourself.
- Follow the steps to proceed.
Completing Registration Items:
Review Personal Information:
- You will see a screen displaying your name and a list of items to complete.
- Click the 'Resolve' button for each step to provide the necessary information. Make changes if needed.
Answer Application Questions:
- Answer application questions, including emergency contacts. Applications are required to be completed every year.
Provide Personal References:
- Fill in the name and email address of each personal reference. Notify them in advance. References are required to be completed every year.
Background Check Payment (if applicable):
- If your group leader paid for your background check, you can skip this step. If you are registering yourself, provide billing and payment information and click 'Submit Application'.
- Proceed to step 5 “Background Check” for more information.
Commitment to Confidentiality Agreement:
- Complete the Commitment to Confidentiality agreement.
- After resolving these areas, click 'Continue' to proceed.
Background Check:
- On the next page, click 'Request Background Check'.
- If the button is not visible, go to 'My Events' and select 'My Profile', then click on the 'Background Check' tab.
- Fill out the form, including your social security number, and digitally sign to grant permission.
- Click 'Submit'. Note: The background check usually takes a few days to process. Background checks are valid for 2 years.
Part 2 - Completing Trip Requirements
This section is where you will complete the remaining requirements to participate as a volunteer. These requirements include Policy Review and Volunteer Release and Assumption of Risk agreement signature, IMB’s Safe and Secure Training, and uploading emergency insurance coverage and copy of passport.
Completing Trip Requirements
Completing Requirements:
- After receiving an acceptance email, log in using the provided link or visit
- You will receive reminder emails for the items you need to complete.
- Once logged in, click on the trip you are participating in and select the 'Checklist' tab.
- A list of requirements will appear. To proceed, click on the gear icon beside each requirement.
Specific Requirements:
- Email arrival/departure information to your field contact (Group Leader may have done this).
- Complete IMB's Safe and Secure Training at using Pathwright software. Download your certificate. Safe and Secure Trainings are required to be completed every year.
- Sign the Policy Review and Volunteer Release and Assumption of Risk agreement.
- Upload a copy of your passport.
- Purchase emergency insurance coverage and upload proof of coverage.
Group Leader Roles and Responsibilities:
As the Group Leader, you play a vital role in guiding your team members through the initial steps of the volunteer process. Ensure that your team members understand the requirements and provide them with clear instructions. Please look through the part 1 and part 2 sections to see the steps required of your team members.
Completing Trip Requirements
- The group leader is responsible for registering the team members for the trip.
- To begin please click “add another person,” If it is a minor, then you will have a parent guardian section to input that information.
- Once you have added your whole group, then you need to click “Yes That is everybody.”
Managing References:
- To make changes to your references or resend a reference email, log in at Click on the circle icon in the upper right-hand corner. Select ‘My Profile.’ There you will see ‘References’ on the left, under ‘Actions,’ click on the gear to the left of the reference to edit a reference (change their email, etc.), resend the email, or remove a reference enabling you to add a new one.
Background Check:
- The group leader ensures that the necessary information is provided for the background check if team members are 18 years or older. To request a background check, login at
- You will need to enter your payment information to support your whole team. If a deposit is involved for one of the prepackaged plans, it will be listed onto this page.
Completion of Trip Requirements:
- The group leader guides team members through completing the remaining requirements, such as policy review, training, insurance coverage, and passport upload.
Monitoring Progress:
- The group leader has access to monitor the progress of team members' requirements through the Go Method system.
Communication and Support:
- The group leader communicates regularly with team members, provides updates, and addresses any questions or concerns they may have.
- The group leader provides ongoing support to team members and directs them to the appropriate channels for assistance.
If you need additional assistance, please email