Attie Bostick
Attie wanted to stay in China, at all costs, but she needed a new mission sending organization. She prayed that God would provide a means for her to continue the work.
Attie wanted to stay in China, at all costs, but she needed a new mission sending organization. She prayed that God would provide a means for her to continue the work.
Surviving on the $290.37 she had received for the year, Attie couldn’t afford to leave China even if she wanted to. At the same time that resources were scarce, she was growing more disillusioned with the organization that supported her when she first entered China in 1900. In 1916, Attie prayerfully applied to the Foreign Mission Board, was accepted for appointment, and joined the Baptist work in China.
Though she had a more reliable sending organization, her financial struggles continued as the FMB was facing considerable debt. Southern Baptist missionaries in North China sacrificed their own allowance and agreed to pay for Attie’s first six months’ salary. Though grateful, Attie’s concern for others continued to be evident. She divided her small monthly income and sent some to her family and another portion to the FMB to help off-set the debt. She eventually grew her giving to FMB to the amount of one month’s salary each year.
God used her sacrificial spirit in other areas of missions in China, as well. Whatever she was asked to do or give, she was willing. She cared for the sick, repaired houses and churches, and even served others during her year-and-a-half-long internment by the Japanese.