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In memoriam: Emeritus missionary Martha Brady, 86

Martha Brady

Martha Yates Brady, an emeritus International Mission Board missionary who shared the gospel among American Peoples in the Caribbean, died April 10, 2019. She was 86.

Martha Yates was born Dec. 8, 1932, the daughter of the late J. Clyde and V.C. Cook Yates. She graduated from Technical High School in Charlotte, N.C.; Mars Hill Junior College in Mars Hill, N.C.; and Wake Forest College in Wake Forest, N.C., with a bachelor’s degree in religious education and education sociology.

She was the wife of the late Otis Walter Brady for 48 years. The Bradys served as Southern Baptist career missionaries for nearly 40 years in the Bahamas, Guyana, Mexico, and Belize.

“During our first year here, we have been exploring to see just what extra things we could profitably add to our schedule at the church and Institute,” the Bradys wrote in a newsletter as they began their missionary service. “After visiting the Prison, the Mental Hospital, the Leper Colony and the Infirmary, we decided to join with one of the local pastors in conducting monthly services at the latter place. We have been blessed in this ministry. And naturally Martha is teaching piano and we also work with G.A.’s and R.A.’s since these two organizations were so meaningful to us in discovering God’s will for our lives and in following it.”

After her retirement, Brady returned to Landrum S.C. She served as the organist at First Baptist Church Landrum for many years. She was a Bible teacher, a musician, songwriter and a prayer warrior.

She is survived by her children: John Thomas Brady (Jenny), David Joe Brady (Jennifer), and Martha Lynn Brady Alexander (Brian); a brother, Richard Yates; three sisters: Phyllis Goff, Elaine Rogers and Doris Rogers; five grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

Memorials may be made to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® or the Gutenberg II project of the International Mission Board at https://give.imb.org/ or via check payable to IMB and mailed to 3806 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA 23230. Please put Martha Brady/Lottie Moon Offering or Gutenberg II in the memo.

Read an obituary here.

To view the life celebration of Martha Brady, visit the Otis Brady International Prayer Garden Facebook page.

During her life celebration, Brady’s original songs were featured throughout the ceremony, including “The Pearl of Great Price”:

The Pearl of Great Price

I’ve found a pearl of greatest price. I know his name is Jesus Christ.

His value far outweighs the world. Talk all its knowledge, wealth, and fame.

I’ll take the pearl.

What profit would it be to me, when this life’s o’er, Him not to see?

And through eternity to ask, How could I choose the world?

And not remove the mask?

This pearl was formed through agony, when Jesus died on Calvary.

He was more marred than any man. Yet now his priceless pearl

In utmost beauty stands.

Lord Jesus, Show the world your face. Reveal Yourself in ever place.

You’re here for everyone to choose. Receive the pearl; reject the world,

Your soul don’t lose.

O I’ve found the pearl of greatest price. I know His name is Jesus Christ

His value far outweighs the world. Eternal life He’ll give to you

Come, take the pearl.

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of Woman’s Missionary Union.

Alli Lovell is a volunteer writer.