Portrait of Margie Mines. IMB Photo
Margie Ann Mines, an International Mission Board missionary emeritus who shared the gospel in Argentina, died Dec. 29, 2024. She was 89.
Margie was born April 10, 1935, in Fort Worth, Texas, to the late J.T. and Genevieve DeLoach. She graduated from Stephen F. Austin Senior High School in Houston; received the Bachelor of Arts from Baylor University, Waco; and attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth.
Margie came to saving faith in Christ at the age of 7. Her father was a pastor, and she grew up in a loving, Christian environment. In the summer of 1948, when she was 13 years old, she felt God was calling her to do something special for him. While seeking missionary appointment she wrote, “I made public my commitment to him for foreign missions as I felt that this was definitely what he wanted me to do.”
In college she participated in various activities that “had a part in strengthening my Christian faith, deepening my own spiritual life and increasing my missionary vision.” After graduation, she went to California as a student summer missionary with the Home Mission Board (now North American Mission Board) and entered seminary in the fall. She met Don Mines, and they were married on Aug. 11, 1958.
After seminary, Don was called to pastor a church in Texas. While seeking appointment, she wrote, “Every missionary speaker I have heard … prompted a question in my own heart as to why Don and I did not go to the foreign mission field. … In 1963 we … made a public decision to earnestly seek God’s will for our lives in this matter of foreign mission service.”
In 1964, the International Mission Board appointed Don and Margie missionaries to Argentina, where they served for 33 years.
Margie was preceded in death by her daughter, Danna Mines.
She is survived by Don, her husband of 66 years; her sons Steve Mines and David Mines (Melissa); and two grandchildren.
A celebration of life memorial service was held Jan. 4 at First Baptist Church Round Rock in Texas.
Read an obituary here.