Thank you for praying and giving to help reach Arab peoples for Christ. The Word of God, combined with the Holy Spirit, is a powerful change agent that has impacted the lives of millions of people. When read or heard in the mother tongue, the Bible has the power to convict and redeem the lost. Your faithful intercession and generosity provide access to the Word of God across North Africa and the Middle East (NAME) in both digital and book form.
Across NAME, long-term Christian workers are committed to getting God’s Word to the people groups they serve. Your generosity directly contributes to providing thousands of copies of Scripture (in print and on SD cards) and a daily broadcast sending the Word of God into hard-to-reach places in the region. Hear from several NAME teams utilizing your gifts to reach Arab peoples for Christ using the Bible:
Refugees find hope in God’s Word. One NAME team works in refugee camps, delivering the hope of the gospel. As refugees become new believers, the team trains them to share Christ with men and women from unreached tribes fleeing war. They are seeing unprecedented openness to the gospel in some camps. Our partners lead the way, evangelizing and discipling those around them. Because of your gifts, SD cards with audio Scripture stories and other evangelistic media are vital to this strategy.
Pray for deep growth and maturity in these new refugee believers so they can continue sharing the gospel despite persecution.
Radio broadcasts hope amid persecution. In another part of the region, your generosity provides a daily radio program that sends the Word of God in the Sparrow language to hard-to-reach places. Most recently, the funds purchased 10,000 Sparrow language New Testaments, more than 20 years in the making! The team is currently working with trusted national partners to get these into the hands of the Sparrow people at a time when they need encouragement due to persecution.
Pray for those who read this Sparrow Bible to hear the Holy Spirit’s instruction and encouragement.
Social media offers the hope of the gospel. Another NAME team purchased 50 copies of the Gospel of Mathew this past Christmas for their online free Bible outreach. These versions were specially designed and stylized with NAME graphics to make it attractive as a Holy Book. Each also included helpful commentary for every chapter, explaining key concepts Muslims struggle to understand. The team gave out about half of these in response to online demands in December and the rest during their weekly Bible distribution outreach.
Pray for those who read these Scripture portions to see God’s love and offer of salvation in a new light and respond to what they read in God’s Word.
Thank you for giving. Martha* is a long-term worker serving as a Health and Wellness coach. She said, “Working deep within highly educated, discerning individuals requires an entry point that resonates with felt needs. Health provides that access. Once confident of my deep, sincere concern for their physical health, many people are comfortable engaging in a spiritual discussion. I can offer a copy of Scripture because of your gift. Thank you!”
Pray for relationships to develop that allow long-term workers to offer copies of Scripture and ask and respond to questions about faith in Christ.
While each team’s methods vary as they creatively and effectively provide access to Scripture, one thing remains: God works through His Word to draw men and women to Himself. Thank you for your generous giving and support.
Thank you for partnering with us to reach the nations for Christ. We appreciate your sacrificial giving and prayers as we labor together to solve the world’s greatest problem: lostness.
*Name changed.