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Trauma Healing for Persecuted Central Asian Women

Expand God’s Kingdom among traumatized Central Asia women by mobilizing and equipping disciples of Jesus to walk alongside other hurting people, leading them on a healing journey towards Christ.
Reports indicate that the vast majority of women from this restricted-access area have experienced or witnessed at least one traumatic event in their lives, and more than half of them experience psychological distress. Believers have the same experiences, but because they fear persecution, they do not reach out to their hurting neighbors to share hope in Christ. Instead, they practice their faith in private.

Your gift will mobilize, equip, and empower persecuted women who follow Jesus, teaching them to walk alongside other hurting people and share hope found in Christ. The training will enable the believers to lead  Bible-based trauma healing groups, distribute packets of mental health materials, and facilitate other outreach and discipleship activities that help hurting people find a path toward healing.

Your partnership will underwrite the cost of gospel-centered trauma-healing seminars for seekers and believers. The trauma healing lessons are powerful and effective. They teach reproducible tools for sharing well-crafted Bible stories and healing activities that strengthen discipleship and evangelism efforts.

Your support will also meet the mental health needs of Persian believers and their community through trauma-informed ministry opportunities.
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Reports indicate that the vast majority of women from this restricted-access area have experienced or witnessed at least one traumatic event in their lives, and more than half of them experience psychological distress. Believers have the same experiences, but because they fear persecution, they do not reach out to their hurting neighbors to share hope in Christ. Instead, they practice their faith in private.

Your gift will mobilize, equip, and empower persecuted women who follow Jesus, teaching them to walk alongside other hurting people and share hope found in Christ. The training will enable the believers to lead  Bible-based trauma healing groups, distribute packets of mental health materials, and facilitate other outreach and discipleship activities that help hurting people find a path toward healing.

Your partnership will underwrite the cost of gospel-centered trauma-healing seminars for seekers and believers. The trauma healing lessons are powerful and effective. They teach reproducible tools for sharing well-crafted Bible stories and healing activities that strengthen discipleship and evangelism efforts.

Your support will also meet the mental health needs of Persian believers and their community through trauma-informed ministry opportunities.
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of $70,000 goal
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Trauma healing seminar
covers 1 day’s training
Travel to seminar site
funds 1 Central Asian woman
Trauma healing seminar costs
hosts a 1-week training
Transportation for trainers
covers costs for 1 training
Training follow-up
funds follow-up w/all women
Seminar-hosting costs
provides for 4 seminars

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Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


Central Asian Peoples

From the mountain peaks of the Caucasus to the steppes of Kazakhstan, the heartland of Asia is a place of mystery, having been mostly off-limits to travelers for the last 2000 years. With its blue-domed cities, frenetic bazaars, and remote yurts, Central Asia captures the romance of the Silk Road. Ancient traditions, loyal relationships, and generous hospitality make up the foundation of Central Asian values. Once home to the early church, Islam is now the predominant religion of Central Asia. Architecture, dress, and cultural expectations are all marked by it's influence.

Political, religious, and cultural divisions have fractured Central Asia's governments and global relations. This instability has left people seeking an anchor for hope and peace. Jesus is their peace, but most of Central Asia's 365 million people have no knowledge of the gospel.

Pray that as Central Asians will meet the life-giver and Prince of Peace so they can experience the abundant joy that Jesus offers.

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