When Paul met Lydia in Acts 16, she was ready to respond to the gospel. She was the first believer in her city and established the first church. This project is for those like Lydia: women looking for truth and ready to lead.
Discipleship training equips South Asian women to be bold witnesses and disciple-makers, challenging them to know the Word of God, understand their identity in Christ, and realize his purpose for them. Your gift will underwrite the cost of discipleship training seminars offered throughout the country.
Training topics for believers and their non-believing neighbors include abuse, trauma healing, trafficking awareness, menstrual health, pregnancy, and business development. Women will be empowered to lead their local churches to better reflect God’s heart for those who are lost, impoverished, infirm, exploited and oppressed. They will learn to minister to both practical and spiritual needs.
Local-missionary teams will travel to remote villages to offer these training events and seek more local believers ready to share the gospel along with social and physical health programs.
Women whose ministries bear fruit will be invited to bi-annual training and strategy-planning workshops. They will learn to lead healthy church multiplication throughout each of the seventy-five geographic districts and 175 people groups of this country.
South Asian peoples live within a kaleidoscope of colors, a cacophony of sounds, and a buffet of flavors that ignite the senses and warm the soul. This enigmatic region is the birthplace of four world religions but is also home to the world's highest concentration of lostness.
The 1.6 billion people of South Asia are concentrated in an area less than half the size of the USA. Muslims and Hindus comprise the overwhelming religious majority. Every week 225,000 South Asians die, most without Christ. Yet there are glimmers of gospel hope. Through the work of local Christians and foreign workers God is bringing South Asians to faith in Jesus, the church is growing, and stories of Christ’s redeeming power are emerging from the field.
More than a billion South Asian eyes are searching for hope. Pray for long-term workers and their local partners who share the love of Christ daily. Ask God to use their efforts to create a movement of his Spirit across the city and throughout countries and islands of South Asia!