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Students at a school for the Deaf in South Asia give traditional greetings.

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Collection: Deaf, South Asia
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A Honduran barber gives a man a haircut on the sidewalk in Guaimaca, Honduras.

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Collection: Americas
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A missionary gives a Bible to a Songhai chief in a village outside of Niamey, Niger.

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Missionaries and volunteers give out toiletries and warm clothes to Basotho children and their parents in a remote mountain village in Lesotho.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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Christians worship in an Udmurt house church service, which includes worship, prayer, preaching and the giving of Bibles and literature.

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Collection: Europe, Prayer, Religion, Worship
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Hindu worshipers give offerings to a Hindu priest at a temple outside Kathmandu, Nepal.

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A Ugandan man gives a boy a haircut in a barber shop decorated with soccer and religious posters in Kabong, Uganda.

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A volunteer from Georgia gives a traditional greeting during an International World Changers project in Thailand.

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An American volunteer watches as a student at the Purwanchal Gyan Chakshu School for the Blind gives a traditional Nepali greeting.

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Christians worship in an Udmurt house church service, which includes worship, prayer, preaching and the giving of Bibles and literature.

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Collection: Europe, Prayer, Religion, Worship
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International World Changers participants and a local translator pray with a young mother after giving her a Bible in a migrant worker settlement in Thailand.

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The eastern face of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City in Rome, Italy, is famous for its central balcony from which popes give their papal addresses.

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Collection: Europe
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Southern Baptists are faithful to pray, give and go during times of disaster. Much of the relief work is done through relationships with national partners. IMB Photo

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Muslims enter for prayer at the Paris Grand Mosque, while a crowd of tourists circle around listening as guides give a brief history of the Islamic faith. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe, Religion
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Dr. Rusher prays over a patient, alongside other doctors and nurses prior to the surgery. He performs and gives consolation to patients and doctors in the rural hospital in Mongolia. IMB Photo

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Henryk Skrzypkowski, pastor of Baptist Church of Chelms, Poland, and IMB president Paul Chitwood give an interview with CBN about Baptists’ relief efforts in response to the war in Ukraine. IMB Photo

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Medical volunteer Anna Leigh Breedlove plays with a toddler in the pediatric ward of the Baptist Medical Centre of Nalerigu, Ghana. Healthcare missions gives access to the unreached, allows for intimate conversations, meets needs, makes disciples and empowers the church. IMB Photo

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Ukrainian pastor Sasha and his church, Light of Life, located in Khotiv, south of Kyiv, gives out food packets with the help of Send Relief. Two hundred and thirty food packets are given out during this distribution. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe
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IMB missionary Paul Yount works with Deaf West Africans as they lay out the big picture of a Bible story. Paul, who is also Deaf, connects easily with other Deaf because he understands the world they live in. This gives him greater gospel access. IMB Photo

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Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine, with the help of Send Relief, gives out over 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. IMB Photo

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Collection: Europe
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