A rabbi prepares for a service in Jerusalem.
A rabbi prepares for a service in Jerusalem.
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Men pray facing the Western Wall, also known as the ‘Wailing Wall,’ by outsiders because Jews gather here to mourn the loss of their temple that sits on the other side of the wall. The wall is a permanent place of worship for Jews and is their holiest site for prayer. The Western Wall Plaza, the large open area that faces the Western Wall, functions as an open-air synagogue that can accommodate thousands of worshipers.
You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more
Ultra Orthodox Jews are encouraged to wrap the Tefillin, leather straps with small boxes containing a small scroll of the Torah, on their arm and head at the Western Wall, or Wailing Wall, in the Old City of Jerusalem. Wearing the Tefillin is a Jewish tradition in accordance with the Old Testament passages of Exodus 13:9, Exodus 13:16, Deuteronomy 6:8 and Deuteronomy 11:18.
You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more
Ultra Orthodox Jews are encouraged to wrap the Tefillin, leather straps with small boxes containing a small scroll of the Torah, on their arm and head at the Western Wall, or Wailing Wall, in the Old City of Jerusalem. Wearing the Tefillin is a Jewish tradition in accordance with the Old Testament passages of Exodus 13:9, Exodus 13:16, Deuteronomy 6:8 and Deuteronomy 11:18.
You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more
Ultra Orthodox Jewish men pray and study at the traditional tomb of King David.
You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more
Ultra Orthodox Jewish men pray and study at the traditional tomb of King David.
You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more
A rabbi prepares for a service in Jerusalem.
You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more
Men pray facing the Western Wall, also known as the ‘Wailing Wall,’ by outsiders because Jews gather here to mourn the loss of their temple that sits on the other side of the wall. The wall is a permanent place of worship for Jews and is their holiest site for prayer. The Western Wall Plaza, the large open area that faces the Western Wall, functions as an open-air synagogue that can accommodate thousands of worshipers.
You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more