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Tag: brazil

Agricultural missionary Dale Carter taught at the Baptist Institute of Corrente, Brazil, and operated more than 70,000 acres of ranch land owned by the Baptist school in 1981. According to FMB’s magazine, The Commission, Baptists had a very early beginning in Corrente. During the 1890s, pioneer Baptist missionary Zachary Clay Taylor boarded a boat on the Francisco River after preaching at Barrá, Brazil. A fellow passenger was Joaquim Paranaguá, a federal senator and member of a prominent Corrente family. The senator overheard a priest organizing people on the boat to attack Taylor and throw him overboard and intervened. The senator and several others in Corrente put their faith in Christ. A Baptist church was organized in 1904.

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Decades later, missionaries Lonnie and Janelle Doyle served in Manaus, Brazil, and plied those same waters during their 39 years of work in evangelizing and developing churches in the Amazon area. Here, in 1981, they disembark from the Eurico Nelson II, named after pioneer missionary Erik Nelson, “The Apostle of the Amazon.”

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A village child, adorned with traditional Amazonian paint markings, poses for a photo.

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Aerial photo of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, taken from the Christ Redeemer monument on top of Corcovado Mountain.

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Collection: Americas, Landscapes
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The Lady Bison of Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU), in white jerseys, show their teamwork skills in Ceará-Mirim, Brazil, beating a local Brazilian team 5-0. The exhibition game was an outreach event sponsored by a local church while the OBU team was on a mission trip to the area.

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A Quilombola man sits on the porch of his home in Brazil. The Quilombola are descendants of escaped slaves and live in rural villages called Quilombos.

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Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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A resident of a neighborhood run by paramilitary troops stands on his roof in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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Collection: Americas
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View of Rocinha, a dangerous slums in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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Collection: Americas, Landscapes
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Members of LeParkour Manaus, a sidewalk stunt group and ministry, practice doing flips off the dock into the Amazon River outside Manaus, Brazil.

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Collection: Americas
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Men unload watermelons from the back of a truck by tossing them through the air to each other. The watermelons will be sold in an outdoor market in downtown Manaus, Brazil, along the Amazon River.

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Collection: Americas
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