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Tag: operating room

Dr. Buck Rusher prays over the patient, doctors and nurses prior to a surgery. He performs and gives consultation to patients and doctors in the rural hospital in Khoved, Mongolia. Caring for the needs of people is integral to the missionary task. IMB Photo

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A team of surgeons in Central Asia work to relieve excess fluid around the heart of a 28-year-old mullah, or Islamic teacher. Though it is a relatively simple surgery for Southern Baptist doctor Doug Page the procedure is new territory for the hospital’s staff, who say they are grateful for his guidance. IMB Photo

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Working by the light of the only functioning bulb in the operating room’s surgical lamp, Southern Baptist doctor Doug Page helps insert a catheter into the patient’s pericardium, the protective sack that surrounds his heart. IMB Photo

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A team of surgeons in Central Asia work to relieve excess fluid around the heart of a 28-year-old mullah, or Islamic teacher. Though it is a relatively simple surgery for Southern Baptist doctor Doug Page (left) the procedure is new territory for the hospital’s staff, who say they are grateful for his guidance. IMB Photo

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Medical volunteer Anna Leigh Breedlove performs a minor procedure on a patient in the surgical theatre at the Baptist Medical Centre of Nalerigu, Ghana. Breedlove is a physician assistant student from Alabama who came to work alongside an IMB medical missionary for two months through the IMB’s Global Health Initiative.

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Sanyati Baptist hospital is the nearest hospital for many small communities. The next hospital is about sixty miles down a very pot-hole filled path. People come from all over the county to receive very low, to no cost, medical care. Sanyati will not turn people away if they can not pay. Some people have even paid their medical bills with livestock.

Dr. Byler, center, performs a hydrocele surgery on a patient. He does everything in the hospital from surgeries to helping children that have put foreign objects in their ear.

Nicola MacRobert, far left, works at the hospital as her medical internship from a university in Cape Town, South Africa. IMB Photo

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