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Tag: shepherd

A shepherd pauses for a quick portrait with two of his youngest members of his flock as he continues to move his flock through the mountainous Moroccan landscape.

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A shepherd drives his flock through the Moroccan countryside.

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A shepherd drives his flock through the Moroccan countryside.

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A man leads his sheep down a road outside of Bangalore, India.

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Collection: Landscapes, South Asia
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A man leads his sheep down a road outside of Bangalore, India.

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Collection: Landscapes, South Asia
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A shepherd carries his sheep in Kashmir. One of the most difficult situations for less developed communities is responding to crises and natural disasters. International organizations can help prepare communities for these events through training, assistance and by providing materials needed to recover from these circumstances.

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Portrait of a shepherd in a Fukamela village of Lesotho in the Maluti Mountains.

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Karamajong men with their livestock in northern Uganda.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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A young shepherd in Lesotho.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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A Basotho shepherd in the Lesotho mountains.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more

Karamojong warrior shepherds are silhouetted against the sunset as they walk in northern Uganda.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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A shepherd tends to his flock in the countryside near Tirana, Albania.

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Collection: Europe, Landscapes
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An Udmurt shepherd watches his sheep outside his village.

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An Udmurt shepherd watches his sheep outside his village.

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Collection: Europe
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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more

A shepherd escorts his cattle down a highway connecting Kyrgyzstan and China in the same area known as the historic Silk Road trading route.

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A young boy shepherds his flock in southern Tajikistan.

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Collection: Central Asia
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In a village near the town of Ovacik, Turkey, a young shepherd tends to his family’s livestock.

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Many Zaza are farmers and shepherds and spend much of their lives working outdoors and with their hands. The Zaza are a people group who live in Turkey.

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Collection: Central Asia
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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more

A shepherd herds his sheep and goats through the barren landscape between Krygyzstan and China in the area known as the historic Silk Road trading route.

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You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more

A shepherd herds his sheep and goats through the barren landscape between Krygyzstan and China in the area known as the historic Silk Road trading route.

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Usage Rights & Citation:

You are free to share and adapt IMB photos. You must give appropriate credit to IMB in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the organization endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Read more


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