Members of the Ingessana ethnic group in South Sudan are predominantly Muslim and have little to no gospel access. Many were forced to flee their villages and became refugees because of ongoing political conflict in the areas where they live.
Members of the Ingessana ethnic group in South Sudan are predominantly Muslim and have little to no gospel access. Many were forced to flee their villages and became refugees because of ongoing political conflict in the areas where they live.
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IMB missionaries Joshua (Changho) and Mary Maeng witness to a Bemba family outside of their rural home in a village near Mufulira, Zambia. Hope (right), a young Christian woman from the local church, keeps names and contact information for follow-up and discipleship.
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A Mamprusi woman winnows her grain in Nalerigu town, Northern Ghana.
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Under the guidance of their village pastor, new South Asian believers baptize each other in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This event is used as an opportunity for discipleship, teaching that “every believer has authority and responsibility to baptize others.”
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A construction worker in a remote Northern African area breaks for some tea. Regardless of how far they are from civilization, they are never too far to have a proper tea time. The men here were building a brick wall, using mud like glue to make the structure. Their process included forming the walls and erecting the building brick-by-brick.
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A scenic vista overlooking a view of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco.
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Small shop in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco sells traditional pottery.
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A scenic vista overlooking a view of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco.
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A scenic vista overlooking a view of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco.
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Morocco’s mountains are home to many villages.
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Villages dot the countryside in northern Africa.
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A South Asian man, poses for a quick portrait as he sorts through his harvest.
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A woman sifts grain and seed in a South Asian village. Her community receives aid and community development training from Send Relief.
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Portrait of a young South Asian girl.
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Three global missionary partners, Paul Shingi Kim, Danny Minjae Kim, and Abraham Hoieon Jeong, help IMB missionary Daniel Kim prepare to show the Jesus Film in a Zambian village. One of IMB’s strategic objectives is to mobilize 500 global missionary partners on IMB teams by 2025. IMB Photo
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A construction worker in a remote Northern African area breaks for some tea. Regardless of how far they are from civilization, they are never too far to have a proper tea time. The men here were building a brick wall, using mud like glue to make the structure. Their process included forming the walls and erecting the building brick-by-brick. IMB Photo
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Man rides a bicycle down a street in a small village in Eastern Ukraine. IMB Photo
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An evening scene on the outskirts of the small town of Nyamasilla, Togo, when families head back to the homes. IMB Photo
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Snapshot of a Fulani family compound in south-central Togo. IMB Photo
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Komba and Fulani men sell sheep and goats at market. Gbintiri has the largest livestock market in Ghana’s North East Region. IMB Photo
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