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Tag: africa

Rev. Clement Pelyashi and his wife, Christine, smile for a photo taken on the campus of the Baptist Theological Seminary of Zambia in Lusaka. The campus is particularly significant to them, as they were married in the chapel in 2013. Clement serves as the registrar and office administrator, while Christine helps host guests at the nearby Baptist guest houses.

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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri reads Scripture to church members from Nanyeeri Baptist Church during baptismal service at a river in northeastern Ghana.

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Portrait of Seidu, a Muslim Ivorian, living in the Koumassi-Divo quarter of Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

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Portrait of a young Jola-Bayot girl at her home in the Casamance islands of southern Senegal.

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A woman gathers fish off drying racks on an island in the Casamance region southern Senegal.

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A man walks down to a beach lined with boats in Dakar, Senegal.

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This boy and his father, Abdul, make their living ferrying people across the Oti River in Togo to farms, many of which lie within the Kéran National Park. The expansion of the park’s boundaries has been a contentious issue with locals who oppose the government’s restrictions on fishing, farming, hunting and tree cutting (for charcoal) within the park’s boundaries. In November 2015, people were killed in riotous protests against the government.

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Members of the Ingessana ethnic group in South Sudan are predominantly Muslim and have little to no gospel access. Many were forced to flee their villages and became refugees because of ongoing political conflict in the areas where they live.

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IMB missionaries Joshua (Changho) and Mary Maeng witness to a Bemba family outside of their rural home in a village near Mufulira, Zambia. Hope (right), a young Christian woman from the local church, keeps names and contact information for follow-up and discipleship.

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An aerial view of the NaYiri’s palace compound in Nalerigu, Ghana during the 2021 Damba Festival in Nalerigu, Ghana. The annual 3-day event celebrates the cultures of the region’s tribes as well as the ancient institution of chieftaincy among the Mamprusi people.

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A Mamprusi woman winnows her grain in Nalerigu town, Northern Ghana.

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A baker pulls fresh loaves of bread out of the oven in Cairo, Egypt.

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Hundreds of Muslims in the small northern town of Nalerigu, Ghana gather to pray together for “Eidigyiŋni” (Eid prayers) in May 2021. This annual gathering in a field on the east side of town marks the end of the Ramadan, the Islamic Holy Month of fasting.

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Portrait of a Konkomba woman in northeastern Ghana.

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Church members from Nanyeeri Baptist Church walk to a nearby river for a baptismal service in northeastern Ghana.

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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri reads Scripture to church members from Nanyeeri Baptist Church during baptismal service at a river in northeastern Ghana.

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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri baptizes a young Konkomba woman in a river in northeastern Ghana.

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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri baptizes a young Konkomba woman in a river in northeastern Ghana.

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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri baptizes a young Konkomba woman in a river in northeastern Ghana.

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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri baptizes a young Konkomba woman in a river in northeastern Ghana.

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